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Comment insérer une liste déroulante dans excel

Ajouter une zone de liste ou une zone de liste déroulante à une feuille de calcul dans Excel

※ Download: Comment insérer une liste déroulante dans excel

Excel pour Office 365 Excel pour Office 365 pour Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2019 pour Mac Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Excel 2016 pour Mac Excel Online Vous pouvez aider les utilisateurs à travailler plus efficacement dans les feuilles de calcul en ajoutant à certaines cellules des listes déroulantes que vous créez, dans lesquelles ils peuvent choisir un élément. Lorsque vous choisirez dans votre liste « claire », la couleur de fond de la celule sera rouge. Liez une cellule pour afficher la valeur de liste sélectionnée.

Excel pour Office 365 Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Si vous souhaitez afficher une liste de valeurs qui permet aux utilisateurs de faire leur choix, ajoutez une zone de liste à votre feuille de calcul. Ça y est, votre liste déroulante est créée!

Ajouter une zone de liste ou une zone de liste déroulante à une feuille de calcul dans Excel - Nommez la liste déroulante, par exemple « MaListe1 », puis cliquez sur OK.

Par exemple, pour retreindre le contenu des cellules aux valeurs « Produit A; Produit B; Produit C… », ou bien « Nom 1; Nom 2; Nom 3… », ou encore « Service A; Service B; Service C… », etc. Dans son onglet « Options», déroulez la liste « Autoriser» et choisissez comme critère de validation « Liste». Cliquez sur Ok pour appliquer votre liste déroulante. Dans son onglet «Options», déroulez la liste «Autoriser» et choisissez comme critère de validation «Liste». » après le nom de la feuille. Dans cet exemple, on a utilisé le nom par défaut donné par Excel à la feuille 2. Si vous modifiez le nom de la feuille source après avoir appliqué la liste déroulante, celle-ci sera mise à jour automatiquement. Notez que si le nom de la feuille Excel source est composé de plusieurs mots séparés par des espaces , vous devez utilisez des guillemets simples. Dans son onglet « Message de saisie», saisissez un titre et un message dans leurs zones dédiées. Le titre est optionnel. Cette mise à jour des éléments de la liste déroulante dans Excel dépendra de la méthode adoptée pour la définition de sa source lors de sa création. Si par contre, vous avez ajouté une ou plusieurs valeurs à la fin de la plage de cellules sources, vous devez intégrer cet ajout à la référence dans la zone «Source» de la fenêtre «Validation des données». Pour la mettre en oeuvre, vous devriez utiliser les fonctions « DECALER » et « SI ». Mais, si jamais vous éprouvez des difficultés à le faire, je pourrai peut être faire un petit tuto sur le sujet prochainement. Petite précision : Comment mettre PLUSIEURS choix dans une cellule à partir du menu déroulant? Comment faire pour choisir « Produit A » et Produit B » ou « Produit A » « Produit C » etc…. Faut-il créer une colonne, dans cette feuille 2, pour chaque colonne de réponse A et B , ou puis-je utiliser la même plage pour la colonne A et la colonne B? Oui, votre question est assez claire. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée.


Ce tutoriel vous montre comment créer un calendrier dans une feuille de calcul Excel à l'aide du contrôle ActiveX. Excel pour Office 365 Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Si vous souhaitez afficher une liste de valeurs qui permet aux utilisateurs de faire leur choix, ajoutez une zone de liste à votre feuille de calcul. Cette mise à jour des éléments de la liste déroulante dans Excel dépendra de la méthode adoptée pour la définition de sa source lors de sa création. Confidentialité et cookies : ce site utilise des cookies. La saisie de données est plus rapide et plus précise lorsque vous restreignez les valeurs insérables dans une cellule aux choix répertoriés dans une liste déroulante. Premièrement, si vous ne pouvez pas voir le Développeur onglet dans le ruban, vous devez le montrer comme suit. Nommez votre liste de recettes « recettes » et liste de dépenses « depenses » par exemple. Dans son onglet « Options», déroulez la liste « Autoriser» et choisissez comme critère de validation « Liste».

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Fender jazz bass serial number

Fender Japan serial numbers

※ Download: Fender jazz bass serial number

Vintage Series excluded '52 Telecasters 1996 N7 + 5 or 6 digits V + 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check date on the neck for specific year E3 + 5 digits E4 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Deluxe V + 5 or 6 digits American Vintage Series excluded '52 Telecaster XN5 + 4 digits 2005 US + 7 digits 3rd en 4th digit, production year.

Therefore, while helpful in determining a range of production dates, a neck date is obviously not a precisely definitive reference. These became in the head under the Fender logo stamped.

Dating Fender Guitars - Although Fender had already switched in 1954 serialized for all models on the neck plate, is the serial number at some Precison's still affixed to the bridge plate.

Most notably, production dates have been penciled or stamped on the butt end of the heel of the neck of most guitars and basses, although there were periods when this was not consistently done 1973 to 1981, for example or simply omitted. Neck-dating can be useful in determining the approximate age of a guitar, but it is certainly not definitive because the neck date simply refers to the date that the individual component was produced, rather than the complete instrument. Given the modular nature of Fender production techniques, an individual neck may have been produced in a given year, then stored for a period of time before being paired with a body to create a complete guitar, perhaps, for example, in the following year. Therefore, while helpful in determining a range of production dates, a neck date is obviously not a precisely definitive reference. Most specifications for a given Fender instrument model change little if at all throughout the lifetime of the model. While there have been periods of dramatic change—such as the transition periods between the Leo Fender years and the CBS years or the transition between the CBS years and the current ownership—most models are generally feature-specific and do not change from year to year. For years, serial numbers have been used in various locations on Fender instruments, such as the top of the neck plate, the front or back of the headstock and the back of the neck near the junction with the body. DATING CHARTS The chart below details Fender serial number schemes used from 1950 to 1964. Notice that there is quite a bit of overlap in numbers and years. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES Up to 6,000 1950 to 1954 Up to 10,000 1954 to 1956 10,000s 1955 to 1956 10,000s to 20,000s 1957 20,000s to 30,000s 1958 30,000s to 40,000s 1959 40,000s to 50,000s 1960 50,000s to 70,000s 1961 60,000s to 90,000s 1962 80,000s to 90,000s 1963 90,000s up to L10,000s 1963 L10,000s up to L20,000s 1963 L20,000s up to L50,000s 1964 Fender was sold to CBS in January 1965. The chart below details Fender serial number schemes used from 1965 to 1976. Notice that there is quite a bit of overlap in numbers and years. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES L50,000s up to L90,000s 1965 100,000s 1965 100,000s to 200,000s 1966 to 1967 200,000s 1968 200,000s to 300,000s 1969 to 1970 300,000s 1971 to 1972 300,000s to 500,000s 1973 400,000s to 500,000s 1974 to 1975 500,000s to 700,000s 1976 The charts below detail the most common Fender serial number schemes from 1976 to the present. Once again, there is quite a bit of overlap in numbers and years. As seen in the overlap of numbers and years, even these references to actual production dates are rather loose. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES 76 + 5 digits S6 + 5 digits 1976 S7 + 5 digits S8 + 5 digits 1977 S7 + 5 digits S8 + 5 digits S9 + 5 digits 1978 S9 + 5 digits E0 + 5 digits 1979 S9 + 5 digits E0 + 5 digits E1 + 5 digits 1980 S9 + 5 digits E0 + 5 digits E1 + 5 digits 1981 1982 saw the introduction of the U. The only way to definitively date U. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES EI + 5 digits E2 + 5 digits E3 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year E2 + 5 digits E3 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year E3 + 5 digits E4 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year CBS sold Fender in March 1985. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES E3 + 5 digits E4 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year E4 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year E4 + 5 digits E8 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year E8 + 5 digits E9 + 5 digits V + 5 or 6 digits U. The numbers and decals were produced far in advance, and some N9 decals denoting 1999 were inadvertently affixed to some instruments in 1990. SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION DATES E9 + 5 digits N9 + 5 digits N0 + 5 digits V + 5 or 6 digits U. Vintage Series, check neck date for specific year N0 + 5 digits N1 + 5 or 6 digits V + 5 or 6 v U. Z0 denotes 2000; Z1 denotes 2001, etc. As always, there is typically some number prefix overlap and carryover from year to year. Only the seven-digit suffixes were actually entered into the database. These serial numbers did not identify the country of origin in the body of the number. Instead, the instrument's country of origin appears on the decal on the back of the headstock, near the serial number. The first two digits of the number identify the year of manufacture, 10 for 2010, 11 for 2011, etc. The following six digits are the unit identifier, although it should be noted that these final six numbers are not sequential and do not provide any other identification information about the instrument. This new scheme is now used on the majority of U. If you have what you consider an odd serial number, it might appear here. NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMXN + 6 DIGITS California Series electric guitars and basses, '97 and '98 The California Series instruments with an AMXN prefix share U. MSN + 6 DIGITS Some Mexico made Artist model instruments DN + 6 DIGITS American Deluxe series instruments, '98 and '99 NC XXXXXX Squier ® Strat ® Bullets ® dating unclear FN XXXXXX U. Some may have stayed in the U. They were made for the export market and have Made in USA stamped on the heel of the neck. Serial numbers are on the front of the headstock. LE XXXXXX Blonde Jazzmasters ® and Jaguars ® with Gold hardware made in 1994. Sold as a promotional 3 piece set with a Blonde Deluxe Reverb Amp. Also used on many FSRs starting in the 2000s. CN XXXXX R XXXXX V XXXXXX Many US Custom Shop Instruments CA XXXXX Gold Strat 1981, 82 and 83 CB XXXXX Precision Bass ® Special from 1981, CB XXXXX Gold Jazz Bass from 1982 CC XXXXX Walnut Strat 1981-82-83 CE XXXXX Precision Bass Special from 1981, Black and Gold Tele from 1981-82 CD XXXXX CO XXXXX Precision Bass Special Walnut from 1982 GO XXXXX Precision Bass Special Walnut from 1982, Gold Strat 1982-83 D XXXXXX Jazz Bass ® from 1982 EE XXXXXX Some U. SZ0 XXXXX -'00, SZ1 XXXXX -'01, SZ2 XXXXX -'02, etc. We highly recommend each of them. They are detailed reference resources with a wealth of information on determining the production years of various instruments and on Fender history in general. Indeed, we use these same books here at Fender when researching historical and date-related issues. You can order these titles through your local Authorized Fender Dealer. TITLE PART NUMBER U. These markets operate completely independent of the new-instrument market. You might consider referring to Vintage Guitar magazine , a great and helpful resource for those who buy, sell and trade vintage instruments. You might also consider consulting one or more of the many instrument dealers who offer appraisals of vintage instruments, such as Elderly Instruments , Gruhn Guitars , Mandolin Bros. Other resources include the Orion Blue Book or Blue Book of Guitar Values , which might be found in your local library. Many pawnshops use this book and others like it to establish instrument values.


SERIAL NUMBERS PRODUCTION YEAR E1 + 5 digits E2 + 5 digits E3 + 5 digits V + 4, 5 or 6 digits U. You will find the MADE IN JAPAN stamp on the heel of every guitar's neck, without variation. Date Range EI + 5 DIGITS E2 + 5 DIGITS E3 + 5 DIGITS V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS U. Vintage Series except '52 Telecaster 1983 For U. SERIAL NUMBERS and APPROXIMATE PRODUCTION DATES 1965 to 1976 Date Range L50,000s up to L90,000s 1965 100,000s 1965 100,000s to 200,000s 1966 to 1967 200,000s 1968 200,000s to 300,000s 1969 to 1970 300,000s 1971 to 1972 300,000s to 500,000s 1973 400,000s to 500,000s 1974 to 1975 500,000s to 700,000s 1976 There were numerous serial number schemes used after 1976. Though examples also exist with the number on the headstock or the neck-plate in the case of certain early reissue models. The first two digits of the number identify the year of manufacture, 10 for 2010, 11 for 2011, etc. Vintage Series excluded '52 Telecasters 1985 For U. Until 1955, the serial number is applied to the bridge plate. Vintage Series, check date on the neck for specific year E4 + 5 digits Fender jazz bass serial number + 4, 5 or 6 digits U.

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Lenovo Drivers Download

※ Download: Lenovo drivers and support

Below mentioned are precise steps that you can follow easily. Hardware configuration guidance can be obtained from the. To download and update your drivers manually, follow the instructions below.

It is a software utility that automatically finds, downloads and installs the right driver for your system. System Requirements: Windows® Windows XP® SP3 or greater Windows Vista® Windows 7® Windows 8® Windows 10® Works with devices running Android®, Motorola OS, or Windows Mobile® operating systems Mac OS X® Mac OS® 10. Lenovo Drivers Download for Windows 10 Lenovo Group is a well-known computer technology company that deals in personal computers, tablet computers, laptops and much more.

International warranty service (IWS) - Lenovo Drivers Download for Windows 10 Lenovo Group is a well-known computer technology company that deals in personal computers, tablet computers, laptops and much more. The utility tells you which specific drivers are out-of-date for all of your devices.

The best way to fix your PC to run at peak performance is to update your drivers. If your system is slow, unresponsive or crashes often, the problem may be with your drivers. Sometimes, after upgrading to a newer operating system such as Windows 10, problems can occur because your current driver may only work with an older version of Windows. To download and update your drivers manually, follow the instructions below. A faster and easier option is to use the to scan your system for free. The utility tells you which specific drivers are out-of-date for all of your devices. Step 1 - Download Your Driver To get the latest driver, including Windows 10 drivers, you can choose from a list of. Click the download button next to the matching model name. After you complete your download, move on to. If your driver is not listed and you know the model name or number of your Lenovo device, you can use it to for your Lenovo device model. You may see different versions in the results. Choose the best match for your PC and operating system. Start by selecting the correct category from our list of. Need more help finding the right driver? You can and we will find it for you. We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day. Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the. It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically. Lenovo updates their drivers regularly. To get the latest Windows 10 driver, you may need to go to website to find the driver for to your specific Windows version and device model. Step 2 - Install Your Driver After you download your new driver, then you have to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to use a built-in utility called Device Manager. It allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them. In most cases, you will need to reboot your computer in order for the driver update to take effect. Tech Tip: Driver downloads and updates come in a variety of file formats with different file extensions. For example, you may have downloaded an EXE, INF, ZIP, or SYS file. Each file type has a slighty different installation procedure to follow. If you are having trouble installing your driver, you should use the. It is a software utility that automatically finds, downloads and installs the right driver for your system. You can even backup your drivers before making any changes, and revert back in case there were any problems. Once you download and run the utiliy, it will scan for out-of-date or missing drivers: One the scan is complete, the driver update utility will display a results page showing which drivers are missing or out-of-date. You can update individual drivers, or all of the necessary drivers with one click. For more help, visit our for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.


They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day. To get the latest Windows 10 driver, you may need to go to website to find the driver for to your specific Windows version and device model. If you are having Bluetooth trouble, updates should be available through Microsoft's Windows Update service. We recognize that you deserve the most innovative solutions. Step 1 - Download Your Driver To get the latest driver, including Windows 10 drivers, you can choose from a list of. Lenovo updates their drivers regularly.

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